by tracie | Aug 29, 2024 | Provider's Corner
What are hormones? They are your “master control” molecules that direct and regulate every part of how your body functions. There are dozens of hormones in the human body. You can think of them as the gears in a clock: each one has a different role to play to make the... by tracie | Aug 4, 2024 | Provider's Corner
For the vast majority of people reading this when we remember our youth we think of events and happenings not our health and how we felt. As we age gracefully, at some point, problems arise in our health. Our attention then turns to our body and our body’s function.... by tracie | Jun 18, 2024 | Hormones, Provider's Corner
Provider’s Corner – A Message from Dr. Schrenker: Hormone Replacement Therapy So here I am splitting wood with my 17 year old son, something we do several times a year as I have done it with my two older daughters over the last 30 yrs. As we get to a... by tracie | May 14, 2024 | Provider's Corner
Provider’s Corner – A Message from Dr. Schrenker: Does anybody iron anymore? I can remember my mother ironing my dad’s shirts for what seemed like hours to an eight year old boy. I would be on the floor with my Lego’s, Matchbox cars or army men creating... by tracie | Apr 9, 2024 | Provider's Corner
Provider’s Corner – A Message from Dr. Schrenker: In today’s newsletter, we are discussing spiritual detox. Imagine you are granted an audience with 7 of the highest spiritual beings next to God. Not necessarily allowed to speak or ask questions just invited so...